Tutorial: Lightweight Processes
2 Processes in Modules
2.1 Shell spawn
: The Sequel
In the last section, we were all primed to explore spawning processes from the REPL. As we explored, we discovered that message passing in the REPL is a little cumbersome. You were also promised that it would be cleaner when we moved the code to modules. Let's see if that's true ...
Save the code below to messenger.lfe
(defmodule messenger
(export (print-result 0)))
(defun print-result ()
(: io format '"Received message: '~s'~n" (list msg)))))
Then start up lfe
, compile your new module, and spawn our print function:
> (c '"messenger")
#(module messenger)
> (set pid (spawn 'messenger 'print-result ()))
Great! It works as expected. Now let's play... by sending it a message from the REPL:
> (! pid '"Zaphod was here.")
"Zaphod was here."
Received message: 'Zaphod was here.'
The only problem with our solution is that it's a one-shot deal; subsequent sends to the pid won't call our function, since that function is no longer running. We can change that, though: let's make sure that once it prints the message, it starts listening again:
(defmodule messenger
(export (print-result 0)))
(defun print-result ()
(: io format '"Received message: '~s'~n" (list msg))
Let's take it for a test drive:
> (c '"messenger")
#(module messenger)
> (set pid (spawn 'messenger 'print-result ()))
> (! pid '"Zaphod was here.")
"Zaphod was here."
Received message: 'Zaphod was here.'
> (! pid '"Ford is missing.")
"Ford is missing."
Received message: 'Ford is missing.'
> (! pid '"Arthur is pining for Trillian.")
"Arthur is pining for Trillian."
Received message: 'Arthur is pining for Trillian.'
Horray! You've just written a simple listener in LFE!